I am setting this new shop where everything will be more organized and easy to access. Still working on it but some products are already available. Have a look!
I was asked to do, for Cartoon Network, some special show boards as if they were done by kids. First 2 were Top Cat and Yogi Bear. Here they are!! Oh god i love my profession! Its soooo funny sometimes!
This is a poster i did for a new promo for Cartoon Network. We came up with the idea of copying some classic movie posters, replacing the main character with the charcater of the show (Dave). This is my favourite one.
This is a trailer i did, promoting the old transformers series. It was screened before the film at the cinemas in Italy. Producer: Renato Fogliani for Cartoon Network.
I am working on a new Music Promo with someone i really admire, Alessia Cordini (you should check her blog, linked on the right side of this blog..). Early stages yet. But i really like this approaches i did over the weekend.
I ve been shortlisted for the new Animated Minds series and i was asked to produce some images before the interview. These are my favourites ones. Unfortunatley i didnt get the job. But i really like these illustrations.