
New illustration


Lucidity Book.

My work has been selected to be part of this wonderful project. The book of dream inspired artwork from across the world. June 2009. Thanks a lot to Tom Wild!!


MagArtzone Magazine. May issue.

The magazine is out!!!! And Roman used one my illustrations for the cover! :-) You can flick through the pages of the magazine following the link. Or you can order your printed copy! Great issue!!!
Thank you so Roman, again.


Love Stories. New series.

Original Photograph by Luis Antonio Andrade.


Revista Capiusa

Revista Capiusa, a made in Guatemala design magazine, starts its 3rd season. It is an honor for me to have designed the cover for this issue. Thanks with all my heart to my amazing friends, Alvaro Sanchez and Oscar Mendez. You can downalod a PDF copy of the magazine following the link above.


Design Directory

My site has been add to the Design Directory at dexigner.com! Thank you to all the team!


Mean Land. Cesare vs Disorder.

Music Promo for Cesare vs Disorder. For THEMA RECORDINGS. Thema 16: Trojan Empire.
Directed and animated by Rosa Lykiardopoulos. All rights reserved.


Fine art Magazine

My work has been selected as a FEATURE HEADLINE on the Fineartmagazine website! And it will be publish on the next issue of the Magart magazine (NY) in may! I am thrilling! Thank you so much to Roman Gerardo.


Musiclip Festival Barcelona 2009

"Flies" the music promo we did for The Young Knives has been selected, between 700 entries, to compite on the category BEST VIDEO ANIMATION !!!! :-)


More Multivitamins

Hire an Illustrator

I finally got a profile on the fantastic website " Hire an Illustrator", run by Darren Di Lieto. :-)

Illustration Mundo

My work has been selected as a FEATURE HEADLINE on the illustrationmundo website! This is great!


Mail Me Art- The BOOK

"Mail me Art: Going postal with the world best illustrators and designers"

I ve got my book today and i am thrilling!!! I love it!! Every submission is amazing!
Thank you sooo much to Darren Di Lieto, editor of the book and mastermind behind all this wonderful project.


Mail Me Art

Some time ago, i ve submitted a piece for the Mail Me Art Project. The piece was selected and it will now be featured in a book!!!! Coming out this week "Mail me Art (Going postal with the world's best illustrators and designers)". You can buy the book following the link above.
They will be an exhibition as well.
"The exhibition will showcase work from across the globe and provide visitors with the opportunity to view and buy artwork that has contributed to the project and drawn together a diverse community of artists. All of the work submitted to the Mail Me Art project will be on display and available for purchase."

Friday, April 3, 2009 at 6:00pm
Red Gate Gallery
209a Coldharbour Lane
London, United Kingdom

Thank you very much to Darren Di Lieto!!!



I ve recently been interviewed by Claudio Parentela for one his brilliants art blogs. The complete interview can be read at the link on the headline. Here is just a little part. Thank you Claudio for all your help. I really really enjoyed the experience!!!



I am designing the covers for some of the Multivitamins releases, a brilliant London label, run by the Great Doudou Malicious. Here are my first designs. :-)



New illustration

I am working on a new series of illustrations based on animals fighting. Here is the first one....More coming soon.


"Deep inside us (Step Remix)". Music Promo.

I just finished this music Promo for Doudou Malicious & Sounds4peace.
Dancer: Cesar Pacheco.
The process was very long. Taking photos of Cesar dancing, then convert them to illustrations and finally animation!! But it was worth it. I am very happy with the result. A million thanks to Pachequito for his invaluable inspiration.